Indie Music Production

Experience the world of indie music with Sarkaar and the Creative Team

Latest Projects

New Releases

Our latest Release is with Taimour Baig Well know Dhh Prodigy
The track was Produced & Mixed by Indiemusicproduction.
Discover our latest music projects and releases

Featured Tracks

Our journey includes the release of our debut track, “Dehlija,” which amassed over 100k views across all platforms. Explore our most popular and featured tracks


Coming up Collaborations with @niteshakaknick

Coming up with collaboration Ep @Raiychu_

Upcoming Projects

Artist Management

"We are proud to announce that our music label is now managing the talented artist known as Swiggy Wala Rapper. Stay tuned for exciting updates, releases, and collaborations from this rising star!"

About Us

In a remarkably brief span, Indiemusicproductions has emerged as the preferred destination for artists seeking unparalleled music production services. With collaborations that exceed 150 clients, our claim to fame as the best music production house in India is anchored in our dedication to the hip-hop genre and our unwavering support for emerging talent within the rap community.

black portable vinyl records
black portable vinyl records
grayscale photo of person playing guitar
grayscale photo of person playing guitar

Our Offerings:

  1. Music Production:
    At Indiemusicproductions, guided by Sarkaar’s expertise, our studio utilizes cutting-edge technology to transform artistic visions into captivating musical masterpieces.

  2. Rap Beats:
    We offer a diverse range of rap beats, each meticulously crafted by Sarkaar to complement the unique style of every artist.

  3. Video Editing and Poster Making:
    Our creative team excels in producing visually striking videos and posters that harmonize seamlessly with the essence of the music.

  4. Promotion on YouTube and Insta:
    With a network comprising over 50 pages, we strategically amplify our artists’ music through campaigns on YouTube and Instagram, ensuring it reaches the right audience.

  5. Hiphop Page Campaign:
    Managing more than 50 hiphop pages, Indiemusicproductions has fostered a thriving community that celebrates the richness of hip-hop culture.


Solely owned by Sarkaar, HINDIBEATS is an extension of Indiemusicproductions. Every beat featured on the channel is a product of Sarkaar’s creative genius, making it the go-to destination for high-quality instrumental tracks. With a catalog of over 200 beats and a commitment to uploading 3 to 4 beats daily, HINDIBEATS continues to set new standards in the realm of instrumental hip-hop.